We went over to Gu Gu's place to have reunion dinner in the evening today...
Daddy brought along Johann's high chair so that the little fella could join us at the dinner table...
Here's Johann in the car...
Very soon Daddy will have to get Johann a new car seat...
At the rate he's growing, he's going to outgrow this one real soon...
Very fascinated by his shoes...
Daddy calls them Johann's dancing shoes... hehe

The chubby cheeks that everyone wants to pinch...

Here's the steamboat dinner that the adults enjoyed...

Here was what Johann was doing during the dinner...
Entertaining himself with his teether...
Chewing on his Tigger book...
He was making a lot of noise... Making sure everyone knew he was having a good time...

From this photo, Johann sure made Tigger's tail look yummy... hehe